No flight modes after update

I have avoided updating mission planner for over two years since everything has worked flawless for what I use my qaud for. Somehow this morning while launching mission planner from desktop it has updated to version 1.3.46. 

I am having a never ending series of problems since. And have wasted an entire day trying to load a simple 3 point flight plan

I cannot move the home position form south africa.

I cannot insert waypoints, when I right click and choose Insert WP it returns message invalid insert position

When I choose add below in the waypoint box at bottom of flight plan screen it sets a waypoint as south africa, which is along way from Florida, same thing when I choose RTL.

In the setup for functions to assign to switches 1 thru 6 all the drop downs are empty.When I now fly the quad None of the switch positions do what they were originaly assigned todo, no loiter no alt hold, no land no rtl.

I have watched a number of videos and read the tutorial but none of this is working for me.

Have the parameters in my quad been overwritten? and how do I restore to a working state.

Computer is panasonic tough books running XP

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  • Downloaded 1.2.83 from archive and loaded, reloaded backup config files for my quad. Big lesson learned today. Change is not always good. lol

    thx for all the input 

  • I have no menu items down the left side when clicking the configuration Icon at the top other than Planner. Its continualy trying to download and update firmware. I seem to have no access to the settings in the quad.

    WTH is going on here, does it seem logical to maybe have the update actualy ask you 3 or 4 times before updating, I now have 4 quads that I am afraid to plug into the PC. How do I roll back to the exact place I was 10 hours ago?

  • I was using mission planner 1.2.83 build 1.1.5063.12264 before accidental upgrade

  • well more than a little disappointed, was just in a clean hover at about 15 foot altitude, pulled switch for loiter quad flipped up side down and slammed into ground,  broke a carbon fibre arm and exploded about $100 in props. I am not at all impressed with my accidental upgrade to a more recent mission planner

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