Thought the problem was a potentially faulty APM 2.6 so unwrapped my PixHawk. Same problem.
In MP, it connects and downloads the firmware. Pixhawk then gives the successful happy song. Select connect via Mavlink:
- starts 30 second countdown
- red connect changes to green disconnect
- timer goes to 0
- continues trying or doing something for another 1 1/2 minutes while countdown stays at 0
- then get No Heatbeat error.
In Windows 8, Device Manager, Com 5 is set to 115200, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control, FIFO buffers.
In MP, Com 5 PX4 FMU v1.6 (COM5) is selected.
- restarting the computer
- connecting via a different computer (windows 7 and an older version of MP)
- four different USB cables plugging into different USB connections (getting desperate)
- different com settings
I'm beginning to think i'm in a no heatbeat black hole. will see if i can setup the radio (but can i do that without mp?)
Great! Don't you love it when things start working?
Oh yes! It all makes so much sense once I get it going and then I wonder why it was so hard to figure out in the first place!
My latest thing is trying to get Pixhawk to run non-SimonK firmware ESCs. If you solve that one, let me know. I'm on the hunt for efficient SimonK ESCs.
Tried the 3DR radio. Same No Heatbeat. Agggggg! :-{
So with the radio going, the PixHawk-Compter USB was disconnected so the Pixhawk was battery powered via the Power Module, so I can't conclude that this is a power problem.
The GPS is only flashing red, but this is expected, I think because I can't configure the hardware (step after the firmware upload that went fine).