No mode Change Guided

I have my waypoints on the map, my GPS is on lock but i still cant have it to go guided. Once I press guided and then set mode, all that comes up is "No Mode Change Guided". Also is it possible to have everything autonomous? Meaning from take off I just plug in the battery and it goes to it lands? Because my drone never came with R/C equipment so I can't change from manual to auto mid flight. Thanks!

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  • Rob,

    You need R/C equipment. Without an R/C controller you can't arm the quad or start it in auto mode. The wiki also says that you need to take off manually before switching to auto mode.


    Also, you shouldn't fly without an R/C controller. Not only is it illegal to fly without one, but I can't count the number of times I've had to switch back to manual mode from an auto mode because something was wrong.


    Always keep a person in the loop. 

  • You cannot arm the system without a transmiter and/or reciever. Arm is necessary to change modes, isn't it ?

  • Developer

    is this a plane or a quad?

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