No Rudder Out of APM

I flew my APM Easy Star yesterday with pretty good results.  I switched the wings over to Easy Glider wings with Ailerons for todays flight.  All surfaces work in manual mode, but in any other APM mode the rudder does not seem to work. 


It's clear the wiring is good and installed correctly since it is fine in manual mode.  Am I missing some settings to get the rudder to deflect and help out the ailerons?

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  • Developer

    1 - did you redo the radio calibration with rudder?


    2 - Does it work in  "software manual" mode?  If not, the multiplexer on your board is probably shot.  If so check the gain values rudder_mix and servo_yaw_p; one or the other should be non-zero.

  • Anyone?  Buehler?


    I'm just trying to find out if the APM software will mix the ailerons with the rudder.

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