No software output


I have a problem, I'm not getting any output to any of the servos via the APM, manual mode works but when switching to stabilise,software manual or any other mode that is not hardware manual nothing happens. I can see the servo outs are changing with the sensor view, it did seem to reboot the APM a few times that I thought was weird.

I thought it was the Mux chip so I replaced that but still no good, the mux light turns on and off when switching from manual to different modes and back again.

Can anyone help or have an idea what it could be? It almost seems like a software or something funky with the signal between the ATMEGA and the mux. How does the APM send the servo signal? is it directly from the ATMEGA?



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  • I have figured it out if anyone is interested or has the same problem.

    After a bit of playing around with a logic analyser to check the outputs were all coming in to the MUX from the processor I noticed that all the out pins would switch to a flat GND signal when switching the mux to software side.

    The MUX has a common strobe input pin15 that looks like it's meant to be held low but mine is floating for some reason, when I apply GND to it the outputs are fine but when floating all the outputs are switch low! So I guess there must be some sort of broken trace or something.

  • 3D Robotics

    Have you done a full Mission Planner setup, including radio calibration?

This reply was deleted.


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