no throttle response in Stabilize

Im Stumped.

I cannot get the throttle to work in any of the manual flight modes, flys great in Auto missions and Auto take offs.

Will Arm and with small movement of the stick goes to about 2/3rd throttle, and sounds like it slowly creeps up to just under 1/2. Can hear the change in motor speed with Yaw and Pitch sticks and will get landing gear up on respective side or end and flip the Quad onto side if held there.

Configuring ESCs has been done and when testing before unplugging motors easily and quickly come up to take off speed.

I have reset and started from scratch with the controller, and APM Board. 

It all used to work but had been using for Auto missions for a week or two

Where to next? 

running an APM 2.52 board

FlySky FS-T6

Multistar 2213 motors

Afro 20a ESCs

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  • Did you ever solve this problem? I'm having the same issue.

    • Overall the support and help from any forum or "expert" has been pretty shit.
      I know this will be offensive to some but I have given up on help on all but the most basic issue, everything else you are pretty much left to sort yourself. I found this same question from a few different users unanswered on four different forums posted over the last 12 months

      The only way I got this sorted was clearing the EEPROM and starting over, most will make this sound really hard, but just install another vehicle such as Ardurover or plane over your Arducopter then reinstall the version of Arducopter you want (usually the latest) and go through all your setup from scratch yet again

      •   Thanks for the reply. You are right about the help and support given out.

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