I updated both a quad and a tricopter to 3.1 rc-7 and it appears the kmz files for the logged flights are not being written correctly. Both craft had been running 3.0.1 and creating the kmz files just fine. Previously the files created had been of reasonable size, from 50 kb to well over 100 kb depending upon the length of the flight. Now every kmz file created is 5 kb. The concurrent gpx files that are created are only 1 kb in size and are all simply "<gpx><trk><trkseg /></trk></gpx>". No data.

I'm using the current version of Mission Planner, 1.2.88, which I updated to at the same time as my update to the rc-7 version. I've tried MP's manual method of recreating a kmz file but I still get the same 5 kb non-working kmz file. I've attached a sample file of the output I've been getting.

The correct lat/long positions are showing up in the log when viewed within MP, so maybe this is an issue with Mission Planner? I've cross-posted this query to the 3.1 rc thread also.

2013-12-11 15-09 2.kmz

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