Not happy with my arducopter

3D quad....would ont work out of the box.

Could not run ESC calibration. One moter will not run and it chirps all of the time.

Then I lost communication with MP would not connect.

Uploaded latest MP software, I can connect now but I have no status in "flight data" or "flight planner".

I have had this thing for a month now.....DOA out of the box

It takes days to get a resopnse from 3D.


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  • I had the same issue with one motor not calibrating and after looking around on the forums i tried recalibrating my radio in MP, and then it worked. The bottom end of my throttle was calibrated in MP lower than it could actually go somehow.

    As far as connecting to MP, try reloading the page by double clicking the icon at the top ie, "flight data" or "configuration." Or restarting MP, thats whats worked for me at least. I have the Hexa B, it took a little while to get setup, but I'm very happy with it now thats its setup correctly.

    Good luck to you.

  • I sent an e-mail Thursday...Its Monday night and I have not recieved anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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