nVader 600

Hi Guys


Just like to share the nVader 600 with you all; www.gressaero.com


I stated out with the standard component base system using gyros and mixer and it work very well

nVader 600 3 S 6000mah 12X6 prop from Jerry Kutra on Vimeo.



Later we went to the Arduino based sensor based system currently running Wii motion 3 axis gyro and nunchuk 2 axis accelerometer. The system is coded with MultiWiiCopter Bi-copter configuation.


This is the second test flight with the new system in less than perfect:


nVader 600 Wii Motion and Nun-chuck Roboduino High wind Test Flight II from Jerry Kutra on Vimeo.


Cheers Jerry

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  • Testing Update


    nVader 600 Aggressive settings from Jerry Kutra on Vimeo.

  • Hi Jerry

    Just a vote of thanx for starting this topic. I have been following your build on Hobbys and have enjoyed it immensly. Like Jean- Louis Naudin I am building my own nvader 600 from scratch. I am hoping to use his firmware with similar hardware, but making my own tweaks. So far I have the frame and have assembled much of the hardware. I am just into the electronics part awaiting delivery of my arduIMU.

    I appreciate the responses I have received from JLN and have read everything I could find from Gary Gress, including the comments from your build blog.I hope to see my efforts succeed like yours and be in the air by April.

    Keep up the flow of information

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