OCTA motor problem

I'm trying to build an X8I'm able to have 6 motor running with the APM_RC libraries but I don't understand why the last 2 are not spinning.So, since I looking in many repository everywhere, :) I found in ardupirate, the config.g herehttp://code.google.com/p/ardupirates/source/browse/trunk/ArduPiratesNG/Config.hthisThese PWM (ESC) connectors below you will have to solder directly on the APM board.CH_10 (output 9) = Connection PB5 on APMCH_11 (output 10) = Connection PE3 on APMIf you have a Octacopter, uncomment this next line !So, If I want to have 8 motor, I can't use the pin at the back of the APM for the 2 last motor??? I have to solder the PWM signal on PB5 and PE3 pin.Is this wright? why this is not documented more than that?Thank

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