Be sure to count your waypoints...

During a mission yesterday, my copter hit the first four waypoints, and then kept moving in the same direction, instead of turning towards the next waypoint. I watched it for a while and then brought it back with RTL, which worked fine.

Reviewing the data this morning, I found that my mission did not have a waypoint 5. Instead, it connected wp4 to wp6, but the copter apparently did not know to skip the missing wp, and kept heading in it's previous direction.

It's entirely possible that I accidentally deleted the waypoint when setting up the mission, while squinting at the screen in sunlight.

It would be great if either the planner warned of a missing waypoint, or if the mission navigation code could cope with this situation. In the meantime, be sure to count your waypoints.



Screen Shot 2013-12-24 at 12.57.27 AM.png

2013-12-23 15-02 2.log

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  • Moderator

    Make it part of your pre flight Knut, before you send it off review the mission. I have lost count of the number of times I have not put in an RTL or left an altitude at 0 and watched something I did'nt expect start happening. That review time is a great time to let the GPS get a proper handle on where it is as well.

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