Wondering if anyone else has seen this problem.  I followed the instructions on enabling the built-in battery monitoring for APM1 (I have APM 1.4), soldered the leads to the board and soldered in the single resistor where indicated, checked all connections carefully.  Did the calibration as instructed, turned everything on and the voltage monitor worked, voltage reads out fine in the MP over telemetry.  It's about 0.3v high, but otherwise fine.  I neglected to re-check everything else (autopilot response, etc).  Mistake #1 :-)

Yesterday, took the plane out to fly, and found out the autopilot was dead.  Ground checks showed no servo response to movement in "stabilize" mode.  Manual mode works fine thank goodness, I was able to safely land.

I'm going to start the debug this morning, but thought I would go ahead and post in case anyone has ideas.  I fully realize this may be "operator error", so I'll be looking back over everything for something I did wrong.

I'm running the latest update of the MP software and MAV 1.0.


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  • Check RC* settings. Maybe you lost configuration for your radio. Re-setup radio and check.

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Jun 30