Only Able to fly xplane 9.7 in manual mode

I am using xplane 9.7 with mission planner 1.2.53 mav1.0 to get started flying using the sim. I am able to fly the plane in xplane, but the only mode that works is the manual. If I switch to other modes, I can see that planner switched to the mode I switched to, but the plane doesnt respond and just crashes. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

The other strange thing is I am only able to calibrate the radio and fly the plane using the ArduPlane V2.70 instead of ArduPlane V2.70 HIL. If I upload the HIL version there is no communication between my radio and the planner. How do I get the radio to respond in HIL mode? I am wondering if this is why it doesnt work when I switch to stabilize mode.

Any Response will be greatly appreciated.


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  • Hi Gary,

    I've been trying to get multi rotor simulation working in xPlane, but I may be able to help. It's possible the sim link isn't set up correctly. If you go to settings > Data Input & Output, which lines have the leftmost checkbox marked?

    Also, does Mission Planner show "3D Fix" for GPS while the sim is running?

    As for the issues with ArduPlane HIL, use the HIL firmware! It really bothered me that I couldn't calibrate the radio, etc because Mission Planner can't seem to see the transmitter data, but once the sim is running everything should work! If you feel like it, it may help to flash the regular plane firmware, calibrate the controls, then flash HIL, I'm fairly sure settings like those are retained between flashes of similar firmware.

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