with planner 1.0.99 I upload 2.26 arduplane code into 1.4 hw, reset and than radio tab.

I can move only the ch8 bar, other at 1500.

If I go over 1750 on ch8 it correctly go in passtrough mode and I can move the servos.

under 1750 I can see the servos react with imu depending on the mode received from ch8.

Tried with 2rxs that previously worked both with apm.

atmega328 ppm untouched from factory (I never changed it).

Please note that I used that apm with planes, than 4copter and now plane again.

my deductions:

I'm not sure but it appear to stay in failsafe mode even when ch8 is below 1750..

what other reason can drive ppm into failsafe mode?

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  • Reflashed ppm, problem solved.

    Please note that I never touched the ppm, that I crashed at first flight because of another ppm issue (cant get back to manual) and  also an accelerometer had bad connection (resoldered). I'm felling like playing russian roulette flying this thing.

  • EDIT: not all ch are at 1500, throttle is 900. I uploaded also the copter firware, same problem.

    Any help before I take an arduino, flash is a programmer and upload a new ppm firmware?

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