only one motor not working...

Hi all

Received my arducopter last week finally had it almost finished today except when it came to testing the motors before putting the props on, the left just twitched when I upped the throttle then stops. Also worth noting is that it doesn't beep when I power everything up. I switched two of the ESCs around to check there and all was fine, so definitely the motor.

therefore my question is was I unlucky getting a dud and need a new one or did I do something wrong when calibrating if so how would I reset everything so I could have another go?

thanks in advance


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  • thanks for the advice all working now - culprit was a loose connection - actually pulled it off, so just soldered it back on and everything worked!
  • I had a bad bullet connection on a red wire coming off a motor.

    Give a light tug on the bullet connectors, and see what comes loose.
  • I had the same problem and found that some of the connectors from the ESC to motor felt tight as I plugged them in but once they were all the way in they were loose and not making a good connection. I took some pliers and squeezed the female connector a little to make it a little out of round and it took care of the problem. The other option would be to replace the connectors.
  • take a multimeter and measure if all 3 phases of this motor have contact to each other
    if they does not your motor is faulty
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