Hello All,
I am using roscopter package to communicate APM 2.6 through mavlink. The package is running on my computer and I use a cable to connect APM and computer.
Generally, I am able to send packet and receive all the packet (heartbeat, raw_imu, gps) from APM by running roscpter. But if I do: (1) kill roscopter and plug off the cable; (2) re-plug in the cable; (3) run roscpter, I am not able to receive HEARTBEAT from APM. At this time, if I use putty to log in the corresponding serial port and log out after several seconds, then re-start roscopter, I am able to receive Heartbeat again! But mavutil (mavlink python library) told me that I only receive the Heartbeat and some Bad data, not receive raw_imu, gps packet and etc.
The above problem can be solved by re-start computer or run APM planner 2 before using roscopter package.
In conclusion, it seems like the APM planner 2 has solved above problem perfectly. I really wish to modify roscopter package to have the same function. Can anyone give me suggestions how to achieve this function?
Thank in advanced.