Optical flow sensor

I was interested to know how an optical flow sensor would work with Arducopter so I mounted a Robbe HeliCommand I had lying around as a front-end  between Rx and APM. Works really well  up till 2m and even above that I have the impression there is less drift than before. I was worried the weight unbalance would upset the stability but there was no problem at all.


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  • Interesting, I have a fly mentor as well it might be worth trying out. I wonder if a cheap optical mouse IC could be made to work, you would probably have to create some sort of lens for it and find a way to get the output into the micro but by the sounds of it it shouldn't be too difficult, may be use a dedicated AVR to compute and store the drift and use i2c for communication.

    I notice you have an IMU without the hardware filter solder pads. Is it an older version or is it one of the cheaper ones from china? I was looking into buying one of the Chinese IMUs as I am not at all impressed with the reflow job that was done on my original IMU. How does it fly?



  • Moderator
    I have a fly mentor 3d but haven't yet connected it.
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