Optional RC inputs to APM


I have recently been able to fly my quadcopter for the first time, and have a few questions about the additional inputs to the APM.  From the wiki, I know that to fly the APM requires only 4 channels and an optional 5th one for mode switch.  My RC Receiver supports 6 modes, and I don't see anything in the wiki on how to configure my 6th input to do anything. Does anyone have any information on how to configure the additional inputs to the APM to do something useful? the documentation for this seems a bit lacking.  Also if this is the wrong forum for this please let me know.



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  • MR60
    I personally use ch6 for tuning PIDs ( see tuning in wiki) or to control my fpv mount servo tilt.
    You could use extra channels to control servos ( for example to trigger a camera shutter), or to release a parachute, or to release an object, or to turn on/off a switch (which in tunr would trigger somerhing else), and so on.
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