opto or bec esc's?


I'm building a hexacopter based on the Mikrokopter Hexa XL frame with T-Motor 2814 710 kv motors. I will use APM 2.6 with the power module. Now I'm into choosing the right esc's for this setup and have a question regarding the right esc setup:

Is it necessary to have a separate bec to power opto esc's if I use the power module (jp1 removed) or will the power from the apm be enough (no servos)?

(Any other good tips about choosing the right esc is appreciated)


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  • The BEC or 3DR PM would power the APM/electronics. OPTO's get their current from the battery directly - they do not need to be BEC'ed themselves.

    I use Tmotor 30A OPTO PRO's; they weigh and are the same size as much as a conventional 2-4S ESC, but are rated for 6S.

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