Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions or workflows on organising all the data collected from drones.  At the moment I have a folder system, with date, log files, images etc, but worried it may soon grow out of control. I have been thinking about linking it to a database of some sort, perhaps excel or something like that, where I could run search queries.

I know there are quite a few web services that provide this but I was looking for an in-house solution, anyone heard of ant handy apps or ways of doing this ?

I'll keep experimenting and post any progress.



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  • This is a good question.  I haven't started collecting data yet (next week) but it's something I've been thinking about as well.  I am planning to use PostgreSQL with PostGIS to keep track of all the imagery that we collect.  It's a database system that can be installed on a local machine and once the images have been imported, they can be exported in most anything.  It's a steep learning curve, but it's a very capable platform and is used in all kinds of Geographic Information Systems.  QGIS is a great program that can be used as a visual frontend to query and display the datasets.  Between the two of them there are a lot of functions to manipulate the data and get it into a format that the end user can use.  The advantage of using these systems is that they keep track of the geographic information too.  So you can use spatial queries to find data/images.  These are free and open source.  However, where there's no monetary investment, it will take a substantial time investment to get up and running, but that's always the trade off.  If you find something else, let me know...


    • Thanks Thomas, yeah that's a great idea with SQL. I'll look into it. Do you reckon there are any plugins or even website addons which could help in the "importing" process ?

      I'll Check it out and post any news.



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