Well, the title is the question: What is the orientation of the 5843 matching the compass() routine in the latest IMU software? I mean, y pointing to where, to the front? x to the side, which one? And therefor z pointing up or down?
Thx in advance.
(My "problem" is that my 5843 is mounted that way that z is pointing down, y to the front.)
When aligned properly the magnetic course will change slightly (+/- 3) when both IMU & Compass are rolled on Y axis or pitched on X axis but, will show proper directional changes when rotated about Z axis.
Try to mount compass 4-7 inches away from: Motors, ESC, power wires going from motors to battery, Servos, Video TX, Xbee TM, Cameras, RC rx, ArduPilot, & GPS. In order of effects on compass. On top of or close to IMU is OK.
Look on legend on map of your area, it will show how much to adjust offset for magnetic North, I use -13°