Hello all,

I'm releasing the first version of OSD Lite for ArduPlane / ArduCopter.

This is a very early version of my OSD with only basic fonctionnalities. The funny ones will comes with the next versions, when the graphic engine will be stabilized. Such as realtime recording, virtual camera and augmented reality features.

Since the postal services seems to have lost my 3DR-Radio order, I couldn't test it in real conditions (my USB cable was not long enough to fly my quad).

I'm working on Win7 x64, but it should work on Vista or XP too.
If you have the opportunity to test it, feel free to give me some feedbacks about it.

The download link:


Digital OSD 4.jpg

Digital OSD 5.jpg


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  • I'm really interested in your OSD. An accurate velocity vector would be incredibly valuable to me, and I haven't found any other OSD that has one. 

    I would love to see a video of version 1.2. 



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