OSD Symbology

Is there a way to configure the two popluar osd units that are compatible with the ardusystem to display info in a way that is similar to the range brand osd?  The speed and altitude tape display on the sides with the compass on top and horizon line is kind of full scale aviation standard. 

I am a 32 year veteran to rc but am new to uav and fpv.  I am excited about getting into uav and am trying to figure out which platform I want to build off of.  Ardu and the developments of this community seem to be the ticket but I want to make sure I can handle the technical aspects of an open source system.  I am also a commercial pilot and would like that osd display to be as close to the HUD symbology that work with every day. 

If there is a thread on this topic already started I missed it. Thank you all for your patience.



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