What does it do?  I just updated the APM Planner to 1.1.77 and it changed the TRIM_THROTTLE from 425 to 531.  I just started to re-tune my PID and throttle hold went first.  Bam!  The heli hit right to the ground in a split second as soon as I switch the mode.  Bench time again!

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  • What you're looking for is the variable angle_boost, and the function get_angle_boost which is in Attitude.pde.

  • Replaced the front torque tube gear set and testing again.  This time, I just hover.  Looking at the log, the sonar is working extremely well.


    One more thing you may noticed that the Pitch_IN/Pitch keep increasing.  I was simply holding the heli at the same spot hovering, yet, I had to give it more and more pitch to hold it still.  Then it became a bit much, so I landed it.  Disarm and re-arm, and hover again.  I have no "I" in the Stab Roll/Pitch just to rule out that the "I" would have something to do with it.


    2012-04-30 14-14 1 nice sonar.log

  • Oh man, poor guy.  I'm not sure what that does or why it changed.  In fact, I don't even think it should have changed due to an MP  update?  That's weird.

    Did you take off and immediately change to Alt_Hold?  

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