output of FMA vertical sensor

Hey all,
right now I'm builing a UAV using thermopile sensors for stability.  Now I have an xy sensor and a z sensor both from FMA.

XY sensor:

z sensor:

Now I'm quite certain that the z sensor I'm using is a different type, but I feel I could adjust the gain to get the right values, the issue is that the z sensor output doesn't change.  No matter which way I turn it outside it reads about 250 to 350 on an 8 bit ADC (vals from 0 to 1024 with 1024 being 5V).  The xy sensors seem to work fine, but I'm not sure what's up with the z sensor.  I've got the red wire to 5V the black wire to gnd and the white wire directly to the ADC line.

I'm not sure if I wired this incorrectly, or this is a different sensor than I'm thinking, but any ideas would be appreciated.


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  • Developer
    I don't think that Z will work. I think it's a digital output.
This reply was deleted.


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