Painting Foam

Im looking at getting the Multiplex Easystar and I was wondering what kind of paint gets used to paint them or if there even a special kind of paint that should be used?

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  • Yeah I have not had the chance to do any work to a balsa plane sense I am JUST getting started in RC flying but I too heard the same thing about the new formula and because of the new chemicals the Monokote tends to wrinkle more and and not quite act the same as the old formula. I thought I heard that there was a second good alternative but I dont recall the name off hand.
  • I have heard of monokote but isnt that used on balsawood planes? Im pretty sure some of the examples I have seen are painted sense you can still see the individual pieces of foam unless what I have seen is how they have come from the factory somehow.
  • Usually most people don't use actual paint, but a film called monokote that is heated to fix it to the plane
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