Well after spending a year silently reading posts and forums here I decided to ask the community about a problem I am having. I have been testing out Paparazzi on it's own recently and since I work with FlightGear quite a lot I wanted to start to really work on building my own UAS. The problem is that no matter what info on a wiki or a forum I read, I cannot get the two to connect. Which is really strange since I have been doing the same thing essentially using a basic autopilot program (not written by me but adopted) and UAVPlayground for my work on a FlightGear version of the X-47B.

The problem is that the command '.../sw/simulator/launchsitl -a (airframe) -fg -boot -norc' just will not get picked up by FlightGear, despite having the generic socket written in on "FGO" (a python FG launcher) --native-gui=socket,in,30,,5501,udp, with or without the localhost IP.

From my experience with the other software I used to get the X-47B to fly autonomously, I would need a protocol XML file for FlightGear located within the programs directory, however there is no such file in any of the directories for Paparazzi, though it does come with some planes to use. The reason I am using Paparazzi if mainly ease of use for real world UAS plus I think I want to try to get my X-47B project to get to use this (how I am not sure at this moment, an idea more or less), however the real purpose is to start building one this winter and spring, in time to do some flight tests in the summer.

Am I doing something wrong? Or am I just missing something obvious? The wiki page really does not offer much info on troubleshooting or detailed info on just how to do this, nor any forums.

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  • Hello,

    What OS and detailed version of FlightGear are you using? How up to date is your Paparazzi code? Are you also using the option "--fdm=null" ?

    The native-gui is a built-in "native" protocol that doesn't need an additional xml protocol definition (these are needed for the generic protocol). More info about it can be found in the FG source, under src->Network->native_gui.hxx.

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