Hi everybody,
I am Tuur Knevels, A last year student at the Technical Institute Sint-Jozef in Bilzen (Belgium) and currently I am writing a paper about UAV's wich is a very important part for my graduation. In this paper I need to describe the most types of drones, the ways they are controlled, the ways they fly, etc...
But that's only the half of my paper, for the other hal I need to specify to one UAV wich is designed, produced and sold by one company and then I need to describe how the designing process works, how it is manufactured and wich purposes it has.
Therefore I am (desperatly) looking for a company wich is willing help me and give me as much information as possible. I have already contacted several company's but each one o them wasn't willing to provide (enough) information.
This is why I am asking from here if anybody would be able to help me and direct me to a person or company wich could be able to help me.
thanks in advance,
Hello Tuur, maybe my company, ECODRONES, could help you.
Please, add as friend to keep in contact.