PC doesn't recognize neither APM nor XBee

Hi all,


I appreciate any help on the following problem.


I purchased both ArduPilot Mega and 900 MHz telemetry kit from Diydrones a couple of months ago. I setted them up correctly according to the manual. Everything was working perfectly up to yesterday. Before second flight at the field, Mavlink doesn't connect to XBee module at the ground station. I ignored and made a succesfull flight with APM on the airplane. After the flight at home I tried unbricking xBee but problem persisted. Baud rate 57600. Only hours ago ago, Mavlink was connecting but now PC recognizes xBee and Mavlink doesn't connect. I tried also the Arduino test with special code written for this purpose suggested on the manual, no result.


I decided to check APM board. While still setted on the airplane, I tried to connect APM board via usb cable, this time laptop PC (Windows 7) even doesn't recognize the device at the usb port. I tried reloading Netframe to PC, tried introducing FTDI drivers to PC but resulted with nothing. Finally I dismounted APM board from the plane, connected to PC, nothing changed.


Interesting thing, with this setup, I made a succesfull flight yesterday, autopilot functions worked perfectly but I can not connect to PC to try further capabilities of APM.


When APM board connected to PC via USB port;

   * PC side "device not recognized" error,

   * APM IMU shield/Oilpan led status; Tx Rx yellow leds flashing for a second; then ABC leds flashing for 2-3 seconds; then yellow led lights solid. Blue power led lights sold.

   * APM (bottom) Board led status; Blue, red and yellow leds light solid (no RC connection, I removed the board from the plane)


Please help, what shall I do further.







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  • 3D Robotics

    Sounds like your USB connector on the IMU board has become dislodged. Check the solder pads. You can usually resolder them if one has come loose.

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