Perception of unmanned aviation terms.

Hi all,

We here at the University of Central Lancashire’s Civic Drone Centre ( are conducting some research into the perception of some different terms used in unmanned aviation. We would be grateful if you could take the survey we have running -

We are trying to get a wide cross section of people answering (not just those who fly and build drones) so feel free to spread the link on facebook, twitter (we are @CivicDrone), etc. to friends, family, anyone and everyone.

We will be publishing in an open-source journal, so everyone can benefit from what we find out. We'll post a link to where its punished on DIY Drones once published.

Feel free to ask any questions.



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  • Dear Andrew,

    I would like to ask you a question on the work you have done on drones-wildlife. Could you please provide your email or write me to ?

    thanks in advance, best regards

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