personalize, design, fly

Building your own drone is exciting and cool, but it can be difficult. AssemblyRc is a place where anyone from beginner to advanced can come and personalize their own drone by buying the parts essential to building a drone. (We give you the option of the drone coming assembled or unassembled.) We have a list of components needed to build an entire drone, while you have the ability to choose the style of the parts to purchase. This makes your drone personal to how YOU want it! All of our parts of the drone are compatible for each other so you know that anything you buy would be suitable for each other in order to create your own, personal drone. We have every part categorised by experience level so that every person can know what parts are suitable for them. With the parts that are vital to build a drone, we also have additional accessories that are available to purchase, for example, a camera. Currently, we are a new business trying to improve, as all businesses should, so please check out our site and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to fill out our survey. Thank you all, we hope you have success in building your own drone!

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