Pid configuration in recent Mission planner

In more recent versions of the mission planner there are two ways of entering PID values, one is the 'arducopter config'  tab that is more or less the same as the older versions, and then there is the 'Arducopter pids' that seems like an attempt present the same pid's in a more readable way.

However the values of the pid's in this page only partially match ones the traditional screen, There seem to be parameters in the pid's screen that are not in the config screen and vice versa. 

For example  there are 'resistance to angular acceleration' and a  'D' value for loiter  parameter in the pid's screen that are not in the config screen. OTOH you can't set ch_6 tuning in the pid's screen.

Also when i change a value in the config screen, it is sometimes also changed in the pid's screen, but sometimes not. For exemple I fly my quad with a high STAB_P value for yaw and pitch (8,0), but when I set this it is shows as 0,001 in the pids screen. For the 

What is exactly the status of these screens, and how do the various parameters correlate to each other?


Gerrit Jan.

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