PIDs for mini quad - please help

Hi all,

I've built a ZMR250 based on mini APM 3.1. I'm using Multistar 2206 2150kv motors with Afro 12A ESCs and 6x2 carbon props. All the components are linked below.

The mini quad is flyable with stock PIDs and it actually loiters, RTHs, ... really well, here is a loiter example:

These are the stock PIDs, which I use:

As expected, the problems start to appear in normal flight (stabilize mode), since I suppose the stock PIDs are intended for a much bigger quad. The resulting unsmooth flight behaviour with stock PIDs can be seen in this video:

I have, so far, no experience in tuning PIDs, but I'm eager to learn in order to get smooth flight. I have tried autotune which resulted in catastrophic PIDs turning the quad unflyable - I had to rebuild the GPS tower because of the resulting crash when trying to fly with the autotune PIDs - which is why I want to learn how to tune the PIDs manually. I would really appreciate any tips on the meaning of the different PIDs and any help in getting my PIDs right for my mini quad would be really really appreciated.

Many thanks and all the best,

ps: Here is the eqipment which I used:
Mini APM 3.1:
Motors & ESCs:

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  • Hi Ray,

    Is their a chance you could share you PID settings please. I tried Auto tune and setting manually, but still not flying very good in slightest wind. I am interested in IMAX and FILT settings.



    Ray Gamero said:

    one thing i noticed after building a new 250 with pixhawk is that I needed to change my INS filters from 20hz to 40 hz.  made a huge difference.

  • one thing i noticed after building a new 250 with pixhawk is that I needed to change my INS filters from 20hz to 40 hz.  made a huge difference.

  • This ist one of the best tuning guides I know: Even if it refers to a very old Arducopter version, it is still valid for rate roll/pitch tuning.

    • have a hoverthings 260 with APM. With stock PIDs it flys just ok. Tried autotune but it would not engage or it would quit part way through. Decided to search for some 'example' PIDs on a 250 or 260 that folks have had success with. Came across the above screenshot fro Raphh and a few others. When I try to input these into mission planner it seems the min range for rate roll P will not allow numbers that low. Has there been a change in mission planner min/max settings? Perhaps what used to be known as 0.0420 is now some other number?


      • I had the same issue with my build. I could not set the p value any lower. But you can do it. Go to the full parameter list and manually enter the value for p and then click on write parameters. This was the only way I could do it. It will work. I got rid of the wobble by doing this.
  • On the PID tuning page in Mission Planner. Unlock the roll and pitch, separating them -leave the pitch alone, and then reduce the rate P for roll until the rocking gets under control a little at a time each test.


    • Many thanks Mike!

      • Based on getting my mates and mine new 200mm quad design flying  today the P and D at least will be a lot lower that default. We actually gave up on the reducing gain approach and increased form zero...starting with D, holding in hand increase until it felt like it was damping the quad as it was moved by hand, then upping P till it felt like it it reacted to the stick ok, then upping I. Then test hopping and tuning. This should get yyou to a docile setting that will fly rather than it hovering but then starting to oscilated and flip after using the pitch/Roll stick.

  • I just built a 260 quad and watched this video to help me tune mine. I am using a mini apm and mine did not look good when i used the defaults. After a manual tune it flies a lot better.
    • Many thanks Dave, that is an awesome and easy to understand video!

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