Pitch/Roll Camera outputs travel and rate adjustments

Hello All,

I was playing around with the camera stabilization features in 2.45 and wanted to know how to adjust the end points of travel as well as the angle rate. Outputs 5 and 6 work perfectly fine but I noticed on my gimbal that the compensation angle of the servos I'm using is a little lower than the tilt angle of the APM board. Also and for some reason tilting down or rolling right seemed to have longer travel than tilting up or rolling left i.e. when going up or left the servos seems to stop reacting at a smaller angle from neutral than tilting down or rolling right despite the fact that the horizontal position of the gimbal/servos was mechanically adjusted to match the the servo's neutral position(as tested through a servo tester and my RC). I played around with the config values MAX/MIN/TRIM for both channels through MP and I have them setup at 2000/1000/1500 but while the trim can be used to adjust the servo's position at horizontal the amount of servo travel is limitted to 40-50 degrees(vs. the possible 170degrees or so) and changing the MAX/MIN doesn't seem to do much. Any ideas? 

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  • Ok so I adjusted the constrain lines to 90/-90 all the way upto 180/-180  but the travel is still limitted in one direction(down) where it doesn't respond after 30deg tilt i even setup the min/max in the MP configuration to 100-2500 just to make sure I'm covering the entire range of pulse widths...what am I doing wrong?

  • Developer

    Until we get the new camera libraries in place, your best best it to open the camera.pde file and tweak the code.

    That's what I do and I had a great time with a stabilized GoPro today. Actually, what's there now is what works for the HobbyKing stabilizer.


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