I have been flying a Naza system were you can totally shut down the motors and now new to Pixhawk and the Iris+ there is this 2 second delay. That might not seem long until you have a mistake and watch the thing flop around on the ground and ruin the prop's (as I did several times till we figured out that the radio that came with the ship is faulty).


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  • Which flight mode? If in stabilise I guess you are using spin on arm? You can disable spin on arm, but this means when armed they won't spin up either, but will shut off at zero throttle if landing in stab mode. I personally dislike spin on arm so I don't use it. the GPS modes and alt hold modes will still spin for a while, It's better that the copter is sure its landed in those modes than switch off the motors prematurely. 

    • Would you be so kind to tell me were to disable spin on arm. I do agree to not mess with the other modes.

      • Hi Keith

        To disable set Set MOT_SPIN_ARMED to 0 in the parameter list.

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