Pixhawk drops like a rock out of the sky


I changed my Flightcontroller from a APM 2.6 to a pixhawk.

assembled everything recalibratred everything and start flying.

So i did a little test flight and tried a bigger test flight. during the bigger testflight i was happy and changed my mode to RTL. to savely come back and land.

but after 20 seconds after i initiated the RTL it drops out of the sky.

i did not have my ground station connected so i don't have telemetry log only the dataflash logs.

So can someone help me with the logs to see what happend.

Kind regards



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  • Sorry to hear that Johan.

    Possible Brown Out Occurred because log ends in a highier that expected altitude of 86.12m
    According to APM log analizer. Check power to Pixhawk.

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