Pixhawk (latest firmware) ROI not working?

Dear Forum,

I'm new to the forum, please bear with me if this has been asked before.

I have a DIY quad with a Pixhawk FC with the latest firmware loaded.  I don't have my quad with me now so apologies for being vague on the version.

I have had great success in the past with the DO_SET_ROI command with older software verions.  I had to reload my board and MP downloaded and installed the latest version.

Yesterday I planned a waypoint route with a DO_SET_ROI command.  The camera tilts but the yaw behavior does not change to point the nose towards the ROI.  I have a look through the parameters but could not find a setting which could be to blame?

Is this a bug in the latest software or am I missing something?  I need to complete a video project and this is delaying me and is very frustrating.


Thank you!

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