Pixhawk Mini ESC Calibration

I am using a Pixhawk Mini with QGroundControl on a YoCoo DIY F450 Frame Kit

After I set everything up and calibrated the ESCs in QGroundControl, I found that not all of the motors were spinning at the same speed (even at high throttle levels above 50%). I know this is a problem with ESC calibration but everything I tried did not fix the problem.

I calibrated all of the ESCs individually to make sure the motors or the ESCs were not the problem. All the motors spun up with no problem when they were calibrated individually by plugging in the ESCs directly into my receiver.

ADDITIONALLY, when using QGC, in "manual" flight mode (which I think means that the accelerometer, GPS, and Compass of the Pixhawk should not influence the behavior of the quad motors) it seems that only one of the motors randomly starts when the quad is tilted; similar to the behavior of the "stabilize" flight mode. A video of this is shown here.

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