Pixhawk Mini - No MPU9250 found 3.4.4 and 3.5 dev

I have loaded Copter 3.4.4 (8a196281) firmware into a Pixhawk Mini and manually assigned the BRD_TYPE to 5.  Now receiving "Check BRD_TYPE: No MPU9250 found".  Does MP not use the MPU9250 motion tracking device? 

I have another Mini running 3.5 dev.  Does the Master 3.5 firmware make use of it (the error does not show in this ver of the firmware)?  Is it relatively safe to fly with 3.5 dev?


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  • Thanks for the response Michael.  I hope that is not the case for long as the 3DR (where they were purchased) documentation, Pixhawk Rev 7 clearly shows Mission Planner as the ground station software.

    I read some threads here that have others trying to use MP.  Any word on when it may support the Mini?  We may have to RMA the 3 units we have.

  • I believe you can only run PX4 flight stack on that unit.

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