Pixhawk, no tones, no arming

Hi, OK, Here is my setup.  

Pixhawk clone powered by HK distribution board.  

30 amp opto ESC from RTF quads with separate power added to the rail by the HK power distribution board. 

HK 3508-640 motors in hexa configuration

HK power distribution board (has all the hookups so don't need the power module, BEC, etc.)

Orange SBUS receiver

When I plug in the 4s battery, I get the normal tones from Pixhawk.  All is well in MP with a good gps fix. In the wizard, everything is good up to the arming part. The esc's all calibrated as noted in previous posts several times over.  When I try to arm after pushing the switch button, nothing happens.  No tone telling me it won't arm.  Nothing.  No message in MP telling me why it won't arm.  I have tried adjusting trims on the throttle and the rudder.  I have checked my throttle settings in the full parameter list.  I have disabled the throttle failsafe.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled the firmware. I have checked the voltages of the power distribution board.  After esc calibration, the motors will spin up.  

I am hoping someone has a simple fix for me out there.  Thanks in advance.  This is my 3rd pixhawk setup. This is a new problem for me.  

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  • Hi, 

    Fixed the problem.  Recalibrated the throttle and now it works! I feel like an idiot.  Thanks for everyone looking.  Hope this helps someone else.

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