Hello, I am new here. Bought a Pixhawk, switching from a naza m v2 controller. I believe I have everything hooked up according to spec. For testing purposes here I have no power module hooked to the pixhawk, I am powering the board through the ESC's. When I power up the quadcopter it appears to go through the normal boot up procedure. I can connect through mavlink and everything fine, I can even arm it and send commands. However as soon as I connect power the speed controllers/motors beep as if they are not connected to anything, and I cant get them to move or anything. Using missionplanner I can test the motors and see they should be moving, but nothing is happening. The speed controllers I am using are cheap goolrc 30a but they worked great when I was using the naza. I have updated the software on the pixhawk. The speed controller are hooked to main output 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the pixhawk. When I use the setup wizard in missionplanner it gives me the error BATT_CAPACITY parameter missing, something is wrong. I have tried flashing both nuttx and chibi and get the same error. also if I use the parameter preset for arduroller I get signal to the ESC's however I cant do anything. most likely because the presets are not correct. I I use qgroundcontrol to flash the firmware after its done I get 4 errors stating the motors could not be set up. Am I missing something? Either on hardware or software? Sorry if I left out any information that may be needed. Thank you for any help
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