I've finally got my Quadcopter in the air everything is good except when I try to automatically land. 

Both times, I've tried, (one I shut off my radio then RTL failsafe activated, the other I switched the flight mode to land) the quadcopter has come down and landed, but as soon as it does this, it immediately revs all motors and flies in the same North East Direction. 


In the above picture you can see the relation between Z Accel, Altitude, and Pressure. Notice pressure spikes as altitude decreases then everything goes crazy. 

Do you think the problem is because of Prop Wash, if not what is it? I would say for sure it is, but both times it went in a northwestern position at very high speeds leading to a motor mount breaking. I would expect land to continue to go down if it senses high pressure. 

Any tips to stopping propwash? How can I prevent this? 

Log file attached for anyone wanting to view it.


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  • Pre-Arming checks disabled!

    GPS Pre-arm checks disabled while GPS Failsafe enabled!  GPS could be unstable while GPS Failsafe requires to be stable.

    EKF/Inertial Nav Check error!

    Throttle Error: throttle dropped below FS_THR Value, likely loss of contact between RX/TX

    Compass Fail = large change in Mag _field

    Seems like you need to go back though everything and then set your parameters and Fail safes correctly.

    • Yea, all of the above you've derived from the log could be exactly what is wrong with my copter. Im going to go back through and take a look at all of the above things you've mentioned. 

      Seems like a newbie error, which I am, this was something like the 3rd or 4th flight. 

      I had green light on my Pixhawk, so as I understand, I did have a GPS lock. 

      Could compasses have been the issue?

      More than that, how do I check error messages from the log?


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