Pixhawk PX4 with Odroid U3 - setup

Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on a vision based landing system to improve my drones landing accuracy.

That is why I would like to connect an Odroid U3 companion computer to my Pixhawk.

I followed this instructions.

Due to the fact that both of my TELEM ports are already occupied I chose to use the Serial 4 port for communication. This requires further steps though:

"SERIAL4 (port /dev/ttyS6 in software) is available, but will require adding a few mavlink application commands to your extras.txt file on the SD Card. See the mavlink (Application) page."

I already checked my micro SD card for the extras.txt file, but could not find it.

Is that because I'm running APM? I am stumped here :D

I would highly appreciate if anyone could help me to establish the connection.



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  • I've started working on connecting an Odroid XU4 to an Iris+. Yesterday I got communications working with a Pixhawk in a different drone via Telem2. Today I discovered that Telem2 is already in use in the Iris+. Did you have any luck with using Serial4? I too am running APM.

    • I wish I had...

      But unfortunately I came to no better solution than unplugging my 3DR radio antenna. I did consequently lose communication to my GCS.

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