Pixhawk Quadcopter Flipping to Right on Throttle Up?!


I am setting up a Pixhawk-powered quadcopter on a Tarot 650 frame. Using SunnySky X4108S 600kV motors, Velotech Magic 30A OPTO ESCs. I am currently having a problem where the quadcopter wants to flip to the right (roll) when I throttle up.

I have tested obvious things such as recalibrating the ESCs, motor spin direction, prop installation, recalibrated the Pixhawk compass -- and to no avail. My radio channels have been calibrated in Mission Planner and respond as they should when I give stick input.

In ESC calibration mode, all motors accelerate at the same rate (when the Pixhawk is passing raw PWM), but when I boot it up normally and throttle up, I notice the motors on the left hand side of the quad (facing forward) are louder and sound like they are spinning harder. I have some images taken from the motor failsafe/calibration screen showing what is happening:


I am not giving any pitch/roll/yaw commands and yet it looks like the Pixhawk is trying to do those things. My RC map is as follows:


This was done to match the channel mapping on my FrSky Taranis X9D Plus.

This quad has worked before with a different owner, I did make the mistake of upgrading the firmware, clearing settings and setting it up all over again (ensuring to take a backup of the previous owner's stock settings), copying over relevant settings from the last install.

I figured this might be a compass/level/calibration issue and have recalibrated the compass many times but since it is so hard to spin such a big quad on every axis, I have done this with the Pixhawk taken off of the quad and on my desk.

I have logs from Mission Planner along with my complete settings list here:


I did take a look at another thread on the front page here with an ESC issue, I've tried setting my ESC refresh rate in MP to 100 and that makes no difference (my ESCs say '600Hz' on them).

I am really at my wit's end now, I might be missing something completely obvious at this point. I've spent quite a few hours over the past two days trying to narrow this down so any help is GREATLY appreciated at this point.


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  • Hi Adam,

    Did you resolve this?  Mine is flipping over to the left and cannot figure it out.



  • I should note that I am performing these tests indoors (much too rainy lately to fly).  My GPS HDOP is around 1.4-1.8 indoors with about 11-13 sats visible.  Not sure if this has something to do with my GPS/compass.

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