pixhawk setup problems

I am setting up a new pixhawk  with external gps/mag (ublox lea6) on a 800mm hex and having a few issues...

my frame is a rctimer s800 clone

I am running the latest firmware 3.1.2 and mission planner 1.2.93.

firstly the HUD seems to randomly start turning, and the compass calibration collects no samples, not sure if this is due to something i am causing or not but a cli erase and reset corrects it.

Also the cli is printing garbage  when i connect and seems to not respond to inputs as long as the minimosd is connected. it is connected on the telem2 port and telemetry unit on port 1. the minimosd has both rx and tx wired.

compassmot is also now showing "nan" but i believe this is a bug. although this has not always been like this...

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  • Colin,

    Never used the apm so cables were as supplied. I think I did have a 5-6 pin in the first setup and in did work... ground was probably from compass cable but have since used 6pin cable.
  • Hi Richard,

    my setup is Pixhawk, APM 3.1.2 and the RCtimer F800 -r

    Stupid question, but are you using the GPS cable that was previously in an APM 2.x  or the 6 wire one that comes with the Pixhawk?

    its just that i nearly did that but noticed that the APM uses a 6 to 5 pinout.



  • I'm having the exact same issue with my fresh pixhawk setup...  Where you able to resolve this?

    • Almost, do a full erase and start again but do not run compassmot. you can also change the NAN to 0 in the compass offsets but i have not tried this.

  • 53 views and no ideas on this?

  • update:

    changing the minimosd to telem1 with or without the telem unit connected does not make a difference. removing tx from minimosd shows the overlay and indicates mavlink heartbeat but data is not changing, just defaults...

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