Pixhawk+SToRM32 setup


Im trying to set up my pixhawk to be able to control the yaw and tilt och my 3D-printed SToRM32 based gimbal. 

I'm following everything the APM site says but without any results. The pixhawk works, the gimbal works, but I can't control the gimbal with my secondary transmitter.

I would love some help getting this to work!

The following has been done software-wise

Updated APM:Copter to 3.3 Beta
Mission Planner 1.3.32

  • SERIAL1_BAUD = "115"
  • BRD_SER1_RTSCTS = "0"
  • MNT_TYPE = “4”
  • MNT_RC_IN_TILT = “6”
  • MNT_RC_IN_PAN = “7”

In O323BGC Release V0.80

  • In expert tool, set Mavlink Configuration to "Emit heartbeat"

The configuration looks like this:



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