Pixhawk + Taranis / X8R Fail Safe Configuration

Hey, everyone.  

I've got my X8R seemingly working well with the Pixhawk for basic controls and some flight modes on sbus.  I haven't flown it yet.  I'm curious about how to trigger RTL with a switch.  I setup channel 7 on the transmitter, mission planner sees it triggered, but I'm unsure how get the signal to trigger RTL on the Pixhawk.

My current FS Options are set to Enabled always RTL and FS pwm 990.

Thanks in advance.


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            • @Todd
              Simply output the SBUS from Rx into the RC port on the Pixhawk. Don't use the SB port on the Pixhawk.

              Are you using plane or copter? If plane, it doesn't have the ch7 RTL option.
              • @Todd - Unfortunately there isnt one video only that I can remember. But if you search Youtube for things like: Taranis custom switches and flight modes and APM, you will find a few useful videos.
                Physically connecting them could not really be simpler - as iskess explained above. Figuring out which channel the Pixhawk is listening on and setting the custom switches on Taranis to output the correct pwm values is more difficult.

                In Mission Planner you will see which channel and pwm values Pixhawk is expecting. On another screen you can set which flight modes (like rtl or loiter) are assigned to which pwm value.
                Setting up custom switches and their related "mixes" on the Taranis is actually also easy once you understand the "logic".

                • Thanks Walter
              • Thanks for your response @iskess. I'm using a quad.
                • Can't you just set the ch7 action to RTL in Mission Planner like with the APM? Sorry I don't have a Pixhawk.
          • Thanks Walter, clearing this up helped me.
  • I'm starting to think I should just stick with Naza computers.  Seems like I always have to jump through hoops for the APM/Pixhawk stuff.  Normally that would be fine, but spending ludicrous amounts of time on things that should be easy is getting old.

    • My X8 has been nothing but a pain..    my mate has DJI and its amazing works all day never and issue.. 


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