Pixhawk Tbs E800 Auto Tune Strange event logs attached

Hi folksI have just built my TBS Discover with extended arms and DJI E800 propulsion, was on a Naza but want to try my Pixhawk on it.All built up and fort flight I started auto tune and all was well and as it was drifting off I was bringing it back as normal when I started to notice I was getting drops in altitude, when I tried to correct with throttle nothing happend, I switched back to Loiter but I still had no control over altitude, it was getting very close to the ground so I chose to do a controlled crash, broke the legs but everything else survived ok,It also seemed it did not have full control over pitch and roll as well.Could someone have a look over the logs and give me an opinion, doe to messing with my switched I thought I had gone into stabilised but ended up in loiter.I have looked at the Baro and throttle traces and I can see it not reacting to my inputsI'd appreciate your help as I don't fully understand the logs as of yetThe it started towards the end of the auto tune section, it had only just started and was in the roll part of the tune.They are locatedhttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/3i07fjgklopusae/AAAbL6mzf0ZM28-IzowOI9-ca?dl=0

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