Pixhawk will not arm

Until I updated to the the latest stable firmware for quads, my Pixhawk worked flawlessly. When it would not arm, I changed the arming check to "0" (zero, not O or o), wrote the parms to the board, but the Pixhawk still will not arm. All the lights are normal for prearm. Green main led, steady red safety button. The flight data page reads, "disarmed, Stabilized, 3d Fix, 16.5 v. When I pull the yaw stick down & to the right...silence. I changed the arming check back to "1," but same story. I tried several times to recalibrate the esc's, but ...silence.

I successfully recalibrated everything multiple times, but nothing changes. 

Any ideas why it will not arm?

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  • Also will not arm in some "flight modes".
    Besure your transmitter switches are set "stabilize-mode".
  • Do a test, in stead of moving left stick down and right, move it down and left. If it arms, then you need to reverse the channel 

    Also, on the pixhawk you have a safety button you need to press before arming. 

    • Johann, thank you for your quick reply.

      Yep, that's what I had to do with my tricopter setup. I had to reverse the channel to arm correctly. I did try down & to the left on this quad/Pixhawk setup. It works no better than down and to the right.

      I understand the safety button. It flashes red until time to arm. After pushing the button, I get a steady red light, Everything looks normal...but silent and still.

      It worked before the firmware update. The quad & Pixhawk flew great. Rock solid. Predictable. Sure wish I had waited several months to update the firmware. Should have let the bugs be worked out.

      If you can think of anything else to try, please let me know.

      • 3.1.5 copter.

        I tried to go to an earlier version in MP but could not figure out how to do it. Is there another way?

        • I have not been able to figure out how to do it on APM Planner 2.0. I'm using Mission Planner 1.3.9 and it has the function to load previous firmware.

          Go to initial setup and then click Install firmware 

          At the bottom right, there is an option to load previous firmware. See below 


          Once you clicked it, it will provide you with a dropdown box from where you can select the firmware you want to load.. Once selected you just click the picture at the top for which vehicle you setup you want to load .. 

          • Thanks, Johann!!! I missed that. I'll let you know how it turns out.

            By the way, where are you located?

            • You are most welcome. 

              I'm in South Africa

              • 3702899046?profile=originalI have no clue as to which firmware to choose. It appears that there are versions for hexes, tri's, ect. I tried to look it up by clicking on the "download firmwares" icon, but that really gives a lot of confusing choices. Seems that the previous version was 3.01, but it is unclear what differentiates the quad firmware from the others.

                drop down list.jpg

                • For some reason I cannot reply to you last post so I'm doing it here. 

                  What happens when you try to upload a much older version?

                  Sorry I don't have a pixhawk, I have the APM so i'm not sure if it's a possible to load an old version of firmware on the pichawk. I can't see why it would not be possible. 

                  Perhaps ask one of the Devs. It might be something simple that we are missing here.

                  • Okay, I'm brain dead. Switched the new Tx from mode 1 to mode 2. Arms and motors spin.

                    Johann, thank you for your help.

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