Until I updated to the the latest stable firmware for quads, my Pixhawk worked flawlessly. When it would not arm, I changed the arming check to "0" (zero, not O or o), wrote the parms to the board, but the Pixhawk still will not arm. All the lights are normal for prearm. Green main led, steady red safety button. The flight data page reads, "disarmed, Stabilized, 3d Fix, 16.5 v. When I pull the yaw stick down & to the right...silence. I changed the arming check back to "1," but same story. I tried several times to recalibrate the esc's, but ...silence.
I successfully recalibrated everything multiple times, but nothing changes.
Any ideas why it will not arm?
i'm running AR2.45 AP3.0.1 AC 3.1.2 (second one from the top) and it flies just fine
Give it a shot
Well, it says that there is no need to download that version because it is already on the board. Frustrating. 3.1.5 is on the board, not 3.1.2. It will not let me try to upload it again.
you can always just load the previous firmware and check if it works then
What firmware are you currently on?